I Saw the Future Whirling Around
http://i233.photobucket.com/albums/ee19 ... orse_t.png); background-position: top center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">
epic failwait D: 300+

He was surprised when his sister finally moved and followed him to the ground. He had expected her judgment of him and her anger at him to continue. The male hadn't been sure if it would stop, as much as he wanted it to. There was no way he could have asked her to stop being angry, to stop criticizing his actions. She was his sister, and once again he had let her down. So he would take whatever abuse she threw at him. What else could he do? It was his punishment. Even though she had moved to be on his level he still kept his eyes on the ground. It was like an invisible rope was pulling his gaze to the floor and would not allow him to look anywhere else, especially not up. Perhaps he was too afraid of what he might see in those deep purple orbs. If he saw even an inkling of what he had seen that day it would break his heart even more and he didn't know if he could take that. There would be no heart left in him.

Flattened ears twitched a little at her sincere voice, though they stayed in place. A deep sigh was issued as he thought of her again. Rage mixed with the pain of abandonment and half the time he couldn't decide which he felt more acutely. He did know that his love for her had been shattered though, and blow away like dust. If she ever came back, he would not love her any more. The Knight could even see himself being hostile with her if she did. He wanted nothing to do with the albino anymore and he hoped that he would never set eyes on her again. She was a liar and a deceiver in his mind now. One who went around pledging loyalty and throwing it away just as quickly. "I did everything for her. Everything. And she still left me." His voice was a mixture of sorrow and bitterness.

Another sigh. "I do too, I just...I don't know anymore..." Everything was mixed up and he didn't know what to believe anymore. Haven wished he could bear the burden of these doubts himself though, and allow Mati to believe without hesitation. Then at least she could be happy.


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