slashed a hole in all four tires.
Durrrr inspuration

     Inside, he might have been a typhoon. A raging hurricane, a flash flood. Except he felt nothing. Nothing but an incredible emptiness that made everything seem very distant. Even the rushing wind at his ears was a noise that did not reach him. Each foreleg hit the ground hard, sending vibrations rattling up to his chest, and each movement took him further away from the place that they had once shared. Something would erase her face for him; some drug, some vice, something that could take away every bitter memory that still clung to him. Until then, he would run. He had always run from the trauma that chased him—he had run from the wolf that had killed his brother, from the first time he had killed, from everything that threatened to unravel the careful shell he had constructed around himself.
     The scent of autumn was fresh in the air. Not long from now the leaves would begin to burn, and the air would turn cold. Gabriel loved that time of the year. It had been the first he had experienced as a child. He inhaled the air as it rushed past him, running without a destination in mind. For the greater period of half an hour he ran full out—until the old wound in his shoulder cried out and broke his stride. After so long he began to slow, finally coming to a complete stop with a throaty cough. Shaking his head and grunting, the Aquila paced forward. In his haste, he had not even considered a direction.
     They had wound up on the outskirts of the landfill. While the smell of decay had long since faded, dry-rot and iron poured up from the earth like an open sore. Panting, legs trembling with adrenaline, the golden-black hybrid regained what composure he could manage and advanced into the overgrown ruins. Human items had always fascinated him, and this was no different. The only difference was that he saw opportunity. Like his father before him, Gabriel had been chosen. He had been set to burn. Like the ghost of a long-dead junkyard dog the Aquila traversed over twisted metal. “This place is one giant rats nest,” he called over his shoulder, pausing here and there, looking for something to serve his greater purpose.


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