hardly sportsmanlike

Skoll had finished a little sooner than his friend had, but Phoenix wrapped up his own battle relatively quickly as well, using some of what he'd learned in their training sessions, Skoll noted. Standing solemn and grim-faced, Skoll received the weapon from Phoenix, and waited for Storm's alpha to turn away and take a few steps before he turned his eyes to the broken form of Glaesring. There was no honor in this creature, at least not while the fires of rage burned in his heart...he had been tempered by his brother before, but had proven beyond control after their first defeat, or so it would seem. Skoll had seen a little of the fight between his friend and his enemy, and gauged Glaesring's weakness: he relied too much on his heart, too much on his emotion to carry him. Not to the same extent as a berserker, but his weakness was the same in essence. He was a little bulkier, he had tried increasing his strength, but had banked too heavily upon his righteous anger to bring him victory. This was the result...his other brother dead, and he had been defeated just as thoroughly as before.

"Stand up." Skoll commanded, but he knew from the hate in the mottled wolf's eyes that he would not comply. It was a small honor that Skoll was trying to bestow upon him...dying on one's feet was something that every warrior should be able to do, but Glaesring wasn't a real warrior...he had experience according to his brother, and obviously some kind of training, too, but he had never been taught the lifestyle, didn't know the rules, didn't know what it meant to know what he knew, or what responsibilities came with it. Skoll's yellow eyes looked down to Glaesring's mismatched ones as they gleamed in fear and anger. His face twisted into a feral leer, but no words escaped him...his throat had gone dry, for he knew what came next. The axe fell, and the body of Urbald's brother slackened. He had never risen, but died lying on the earth where he had fallen. Skoll turned to Phoenix, who could have guessed by the sounds what Skoll had chosen.

"Couldn't have him trying again. We gave him a chance before, and he almost killed me for it, and would have killed you if he could have. Two chances is enough." He knelt down and did his best to clean the blood from the blade, looking up from the task when he was done. "I appreciate your help, here, Phoenix. I haven't been sleeping well...I didn't wake up at their approach. I'd be dead if you hadn't reacted like you did. How did you know they were coming for me?"
~The lyrics are from the best song ever written.

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