
Marit, we'll do as previously agreed, and Hanna will respond only when directly addressed? I took this as an address, so here she is! Also, I'm going to make a picture sometime soon of her cabin, and the thread where she builds it is forthcoming.
Word Count: 316. Worth 2 points.

Hanna was around back of her little establishment, working on erecting the frames she used to stretch her hides during tanning. It was one more thing she needed to do before winter struck, to begin making furs for herself as well as any tribesmembers who wished for a little extra warmth. She likely would trade for any knowledge she had that they didn't; that way both parties benefitted from the arrangement. A few elk skins would do nicely to begin with, she thought, if she could get a hunting party together to help her bring the beasts down.

Hanna hadn't liked keeping Revian a secret, but she had been busy, and was also looking for the best way to reveal his presence to Dawali, and also trying to ascertain if the loner wished to join AniWaya rather than just being in the territory without pressuring him either way. When she heard her leader's voice, however, she knew the time had come, whether she was prepared for it or not. She lashed the last two corners together on a small frame perfect for stretching rabbit skin, dusted her hands off, and crunched through what fallen leaves she'd not swept away yet to the front of the house.

She stopped a few paces from Dawali, mildly annoyed that Revian had answered her door without her permission, but outwardly seeming fine."I'm here now. I was around back." She stepped toward the Kalona, just a couple steps. "Dawali, would you like to come in and sit? Unfortunately I have only furs to rest upon, but the three of us need to talk, I think." With that, she entered her cabin and began arranging places to sit in a circle in the center of the floor, handing Revian his crutches, which she'd fashioned from sticks padded with rabbit fur, so he could better move about the cabin if he pleased.


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