Absense makes the heart grow fonder


Ruri could only shake her head scoldingly as Jac tried to explain his way out of the troublesome spot his words had gotten him into. "Whether she can understand or not doesn't make a difference, Jac! She's a baby, and you need to be nice to young animals so that when they grow up they act nice to you in return." Such was her simplistic view of the ways of wildlife. Of course she knew that it was likely incorrect as she had met a few creatures that were very unpleasant, regardless of their upbringing. Still she had added her two cents and now she would leave the subject where it was. Jac was the king after all, and she didn't want to sound like she was telling him what to do...not too much at least.

The ivory and merle femme continued to run her delicate fingers through Jac's mane even as he questioned why she had been out in the rain...something she had hoped he would simply overlook. With a look of embarrassment, like one who had just been caught in the act, the slender female started to explain herself, her tassle hanging limp behind her as she sat atop her king's shoulders. "W-well...I was looking for you. I was worried...and you had been gone for so long. The times I got lost...I was looking for you because I wanted to know if you were alright. Also, it was dreadfully boring sitting in the cabin all day for a week or two. I got...cabin fever...I guess," she giggled jokingly as she used the odd phrase to describe her state of mind during the days of prolonged rain several weeks back. Hopefully Jac would find that amusing and not press her about the issue further, not that she wouldn't mind telling him more. Talking to her best friend was one of her favorite things. She just liked talking about other...more enjoyable things than why she had been out in the rain.


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