Close encounters of the third kind o.O
sorry if i didnt spell your name the way it should be, my laptop doesnt like me o.O lol

This day started normal but had no intention of ending normal. The young wolf wondered aimlessly about the packlands, making sure all the borders were intact and carefully practicing her hunting. The rain had picked up by late morning and she found herself trudging around in it for abit when the clouds broke apart and the sun warmed her unusual fur. She sighed happily and breathed in the calming scent of the dew.

Rendall continued to remain around the borders but her stomach called her home and she soon found herself traveling down a familiar path to hers and Anyas den. A sudden scent captured the girls nose, an unkown scent, though it had Pheonix Vally on it. She wasnt sure what to think of it, she slowly crawled through the thick brush and came upon wat seemed to be a strange-looking wolf. She cocked her head at the being and examined him quietly.

"Um...hello? my name is Rendall....who....who are you?" she remained amongst the vegetation, though her black fur probably stood out in it.

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