something of dreams and legends

Picking her way along the rocky outcropping, her destination was a castle looming in the fading light of the evening. Her eyes had been set on this stone building for at least an hour now, as she carefully traversed the dipping valleys and the rocky foothills leading up to this strange creation. The youth had never seen a castle before; and as she stood, breathing hard from her journey, tongue lolling and face generally smiling from accomplishing this feat, she wondered about the history of such a magnificently built building.

Drawing closer, she wasn’t particularly wary of her surroundings, nor did she become more apprehensive as night began to quickly descend upon the land. Silverfox simply wandered about the outside of the castle, drawing her long fingers pensively against the slick tendrils of ivy covering the walls. She reached the large front doors, partly wilted away with time, so she entered without any effort.

The inside was much more exquisite than the outside; dilapidated and scented of a powerful mold and must, but it had a much more interesting view. High-up windows, winding staircases, doorways leading to who knows; it was all such a new experience. Silverfox considered this a place to rest for the night, but it would seem as if she didn’t have much of a choice, seeing as in her lapse of attention, storm clouds had gathered more strongly, and a storm began to thunder down on the outside of Blackmoor Castle. Sighing, the studded youth continued sniffing around, trying to ignore the sounds of thunder, lightning, and the steady pound of water against the windows.


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