
OK! Dawali addresses both now; I guess Hanna can explain quickly, so the attention of this thread lies more on Revian? Smile
Sorry for the little wait.
Word Count: 355

The male's voice rung through the door, and Dawali listened, intrigued. Who used the word 'luperci' in common speech? It only added to the idea that this Revian was from elsewhere, where perhaps that word is more normal. Again, Revian spoke, and now Dawali found it strange that he did not know Hanna by her name. His face wore a puzzled look just as Hanna strode around the structure, taking a firm hold of the situation. In a sense, that was comforting to him; he'd been utterly confused, if certain of his authority, and at a loss at how to deal with the male and understand the situation. Luckily, Hanna somehow established some calm in everything, striding in and simply announcing that they all had to talk. That was, after all, the part which Dawali felt uncomfortable. He was glad that Hanna felt responsibility that strongly; he respected her greatly for it.

The male stood in the doorway with his hand outstretched, and Dawali shook it gingerly, but politely. He never really understood that gesture, but he would follow such conventions if brought to him. Hanna invited him in, them all in, and he replied to this; another meaningless convention. "All right. Oh, furs are fine." He himself had only three chairs, odd things, which he had manufactured himself. They were crooked and strange-looking, but he did not mind. He did not mind furs either. Once inside, he lowered himself on one of them, and turned his attention to the male, Revian. "I am sorry for not introducing myself - my name is Dawali, and I am the chief of this village." Pausing, he could not understand what kind of relationship the two had. Friends knew each other's names, yes? "I wish you would have told me we had a guest, Hanna." A slight reprimand, and an indirect inquiry for information. Unusually subtle for Dawali, a man of direct speech. Though his could have meant he was angry at the female, his face was not; it shone with the usual politeness and gentleness that he harbored towards anyone. Few had ever seen him look differently.


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