Pale Green Eyes
This wait I give everyone lately is embarrassing. I'm veryveryvery sorry :/
Word Count: 453



Her emeralds followed the two children as they overcame their shyness and came to greet her. Or perhaps they simply mimicked their mother. That was more likely. One smiled - the girl - after both gave a little nod very similar to their mother's usual greeting. Mew smiled at them; they were cute and well-behaved, and she did not have trouble looking at the young as much as she did before. There was the tiniest of flames within her, a small hope, that she might live. And that little part of her, however outnumbered in comparison to the darkness that stained her thoughts, rejoiced and looked forward to the time when she, too, would be a mother.


Cwmfen accepted her gift, and to her 'thank you' and her comment about feeding herself, Mew nodded wordlessly. She did try to make sure she ate enough, but dulled pains returned with every meal, stronger than ever. A secret part of her wished to rid her body of the litter, as if not feeding them would help. It certainly would not, the only thing achieved would be the death of the mother, and the littler with it, she was certain of this. Perhaps she also wished to have herself perish before the litter was due, not wanting to die in terrible agony, and to bring orphaned children into this world.


Again Cwmfen's words were answered in silence, and Mew's gaze dropped to the ground as she spoke. Cwmfen did not understand, or know of the great danger the expectant mother was in, and Mew dared not explain. Her encounter with Hanna was fresh in her memory - how her self-composition had broken down to nothing, and she had cried like a child in front of her aunt. She had felt like a child, but without being able to let go and simply accept the comforting presence of her relative. Instead, she had been embarrassed and tense, feeling stupid and adolescent. She refused to repeat that scene, especially not in front of one of the highest respected members of her pack. Instead, her eyes studied Cwmfen's calm features, and changed the subject, though it was relevant to her situation. "Tell me, Cwmfen, how is Haku with children? Is he a good father?" There was a reason why Conor and Emwe had stayed with Alexey, but Mew had never asked. Her brother was so distant to her, and Alexey might be offended. After all, was it not good enough for them, to stay with her? And, she did not know her nephews well enough to ask them. They might not want to speak about it, either. Mew's face was blank and composed as she waited for an answer.


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