the litter and the leaves

WC: 538

“Jantus.” She stated the name, thinking it over, if only to remember it. She had trouble with names sometimes, which was odd, because she didn’t know that many wolves.

“Perhaps I will, perhaps I won’t. I think I’d rather go out with a bang, teeth wrapped round the throat of my enemy than in my elder years. Besides, the more I fight, the more I learn and the more I learn the better I get.” She was a little surprised at the brief flash of concern in his eyes. Most thought Finn idiotic for being so gung-ho, or pitied her wounds. She didn’t like pity and she wasn’t an idiot, but it was nice to have someone concerned on her part. Father Fidh had never been the concerning type, he’d taught his sons how to fight, how to win and how not to whine about it if you lost, and that was it. Brom had been the one to take care of her after Aegnus got too rough. She missed Brom. He’d been the sane one, the dissenter to his father’ and brother’s methods. Brom was probably dead now, for not holding his tongue when Aegnus gave him that look, or arguing with Father a few times too many.

“Eh, Aegnus was like that. Always had something to prove. I got him back for it eventually, gave him a big bite right on the nose. Every time he talked afterward it sounded like he had a hell of a cold.” He’d been sore about that scar for a while. It ruined his looks, not that he had much to ruin to begin with. Finn wondered if he had found a mate, raised pups. She sincerely wished his future children good look; Finn would rather be reincarnated as a beetle than as one of that blunderer’s brood. Father was probably still kicking too, sulking around his domain like the scruffy old scarecrow he was. Lord and Master of miles upon miles of empty, boring, frigid mountains. She’d been glad to leave those windy heights for the more temperate parts of the world. Her coat wasn’t meant for winter, despite it’s curls. She was too thin, she didn’t have enough fat on her bones to insulate the cold.

“Would if I could. I don’t have another form, not one that I know of anyways. I’m just a plain old wolf.” Finn felt another tinge of envy at her own words. Oh, the things she could do if she could actually lift or hold things with her paws! Jantus was right, it looked much easier to fight on two feet. But even as she thought of the possibilities, a little voice in the back of her head warned her against such thoughts. The luperci were not normal, not real wolves. That was what she had been taught. And the thought of striving to become one scared her silly.

“So, what brings you to this place, Jantus?” She said, trying to shift the topic a little. He seemed to be a wanderer, as far as she could tell, he didn’t have the scent of any pack in this area at least.


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