Morning Light
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Thanks! ;D lol.. my man is hooked on ABBA... It's hard to write to "take a chance on me" Tongue
Word Count:--

The morning was still fresh and moist when a voice could be heard outside, ripping Mew away from her tranquil enjoyment and straight into hostile defense. Her instincts had never been as strong as this, and she often found that she reacted to sounds much more strongly than she would have done, if she hadn't had the three furballs. Her ears fell back and she was suddenly at her feet (but carefully dodging the children - she did not want to wake them) with a growl rumbling low in her throat. Her moves was brisk as she walked to the window, and although she had understood that the voice was simply cursing, and thus no threat, she would keep her stance until she was certain. Once her mind took in and digested the information offered by her peek in the window, her defensive stance disappeared; it was a child, or at least a young female. She did not really fear children, and she was on the second level of this house.

The girl.. was she Dahlian? Mew had been preoccupied with herself again (as usual, but acceptable in this case), and hadn't kept herself updated with new names and faces. Still, she could barely be a threat to her little family, the way she had just managed to place herself in mud. "Are you lost, hon?" Her voice was soft as she called out, her face a gentle mask. Her maternal instincts were working overtime, and she had never really experienced them, anyway. The poor girl out there didn't seem exactly happy - perhaps she could offer the young one something. "Want a blanket or something?"


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