Well, here I am!
Sorry about the wait… ><

The warrior was weaponless, but she was not concerned. Indeed, had the large male decided to attack her, a weapon would have been optimal upon her part. But she was accustom to using her body, and it hummed now with anticipation, the sinew beneath her coat hungry for what it had not been able to know for so long. But his friendly smile dispelled the possibility of battle, for which she was both content and discontent. Her erected posture doffed the poise of aggression as she turned to fully face the large male, a faint smile dancing upon her quiet lips. She gave a brief dip of her woad-bound maw in greeting.

"It is your scent," the soft melody explained. She did not want him to believe that she had passed judgment upon him, for surely the mere moments of their encounter was not enough to declare such a thing. His immediate segue into the issues of coyotes, however, made the warrior suspicious of his intention. Indeed, she was a warrior and her soul thrilled off the songs of war that were sung within her soul and through her body, but a warrior must not forget Peace. For Cercelee, the warrior sought to preserve such a thing. "We’ve had our conflicts with the clan to the north," the Adonis imparted, the tranquility of her features impassive. "Much has been quiet now." She had heard of conflict between Pheonix Valley and Inferni, but she did not know to what degree such conflict was held. With Dahlia, there was indeed still statures, and she understood more acutely why such things had come to pass. Her knowledge of history long passed within these lands was not well versed, for she did not question others upon the troubles of their pasts. What she learned she had learned through conversations and small information given sparingly throughout her occupation within these particular lands.

It seemed however, that he had more than sparse information. His ‘preparation’ was a strange thing to the warrior. He was so large—she wondered why a weapon was necessary against the smaller species. But she assumed that he must not be accustom to fighting weaponless as she was. "What is your interest in such conflict?" Her curiosity was held openly, for she felt that it was her business to know such a thing.

A friend. This male seemed familiar with these lands despite the novelty of its scent upon his coat. "You are in the general direction," the black fae offered with a faint smile. She had traversed these lands often before; she did not think that they had changed much in her absence. "If you travel east, you will find a city. Pheonix Valley is a little north of that city." She indicated once in the general direction with a woad-bound finger. The Adonis made no comment about Dahlia’s own extensive boarders. She trusted that this wolf, with his knowledge already of the presence of packs, would not make the mistake of crossing the boarders of her pack.


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