any colour you like [aw!]

<3 500+ words.

#####Nodding cheerfully, Princess was glad to see that Amata was such a chipper young girl. "When I first joined, 'cause my brother's in this pack and I wanted to get away from my mom in another pack, your mom told me about you three." Eventually, Princess would have gone through the effort of searching for the three puppies, but she wasn't completely sure of their ages (still very young, judging by little Amata here) and she was really excited to show the two girls her dresses and the boy all of her little trinkets and strange things from human houses. It would be easier just to find them when she knew they could all shift, but she certainly didn't mind meeting them beforehand! Unlike her mother, Princess adored puppies and enjoyed them immensely. Someday, she would love to have her own children, but not anytime soon. She has hardly over a year old! Besides that, she didn't have a mate or anything, and she didn't know what was going on with Haven. . . But she knew that she missed him something awful. Soon, she would have to go and find him in his pack or something to visit him.

#####"What's a fish princess? and that's really cool! Are there any other princesses around here?" Obviously, she did not consider herself as one of those she was asking about. It was possible that Amata was the only princess here, even though she had another sister - maybe it was a game of sorts. The question that Amata asked was a difficult one. Did she have a prince? Not really, she supposed. If she had anything, it was a Knight. "Well, I have a Knight, but he lives in another pack. He used to live here, though," she added decisively. It wasn't likely that Amata would know Haven, but still, she chose to keep his name in her own mind, incase it wasn't smart to let anyone else in the pack know about them. Puppies were notorious for having very big mouths, terribly bad at keeping secrets. . . She knew from firsthand experience, since she had never been good at keeping her own secrets, let alone anyone else's.

#####Laughing gently, Princess studied the stick that Amata had brought back to the tree. She had never tried to run with a stick before, as long as she could remember, but it was still cool. "How come you were running with that stick, and not another one? Oh! And I climbed up here, with my shifted form." She lifted her own strange hands as an explanation. "Can you shift yet? If not, it'll happen soon, and then you can climb trees, too! But, if you want, I can come down for right now," she offered, her tone excited. Princess didn't mind having to come down out of the tree if Amata wanted her to, since she wasn't doing anything interesting up there, anyway. She didn't even know why, exactly, she had even climbed up into the tree, but the view had been nice. If she could have shown it to Amata, she would have, but she didn't trust herself to carry the pup into the tree.

Table by Alli!

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