the space between us all
Big Grin Big Grin

The crab was absolutely delicious. Hemming picked tiny pieces off of it, pulling them loose from the hard outer shell, and put them into his mouth one by one. He wondered why he didn't eat this marvellous beast more often. It cooked up deliciously, and as a bonus it was rather easy to catch. They did have those massive claws, but one could do their killing with a spear. The wolf was much more accustomed to hunting with tools, anyway. He would have to come here more often to get lunch or dinner, especially since Beast's Grin Peninsula was wonderfully close to home. At some point in the near future he needed to come and dig up some of the whale bones, as well. The Gatlvska was sure he could make something of them.

The wolf beamed at his new friend's statement, nodding as he swallowed a chunk of meat. "Oh, me too!" he exclaimed with a grin, completely oblivious to whatever type of advance she was making, "I've had a lot of fun today." It had been a remarkably silly day, and Hemming liked those. There was a day for everything, including running away from giant hungry crabs. And they got their retribution, too.

As he reflected on the day he remembered the clams. They were probably cool enough to eat by now, and so he suggested excitedly, "How about those clams?"

james made this! ♥

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