With or without you


Gotham really, really liked bugs, and though he bored slightly when Ember spoke of the sky and clouds, the moment she mentioned bugs his eyes lit up and he was eager to add his comments. His favourite were the dragonflies, and he knew that his sisters liked butterflies the best, and Cambria even had a pet butterfly that Amata gave her! At first the boy didn't believe that caterpillars could turn into butterflies, but by now that had been shown to him and though unbelievable, he believed it. Auntie Ember was not so scary when she talked about these things, and all of Gotham's unease dissipated. He grinned and bounced as they walked.


He scuttled into her den after her, staring around in awe when he saw all the things hanging on the back wall. She had all sorts of things! Where in the world did she get them all? Maybe she was cooler than Jazper, because Gotham was fairly certain he had only one sword. He could sing, though, could Auntie Ember do that? Those thoughts aside, what kind of thing did he want? Could he really carry them around? Eyeing the sword that hung around the female's waist, Gotham replied, "I wan' somethin' really big en shiny." He nodded briskly and definitively, making it clear that whatever he was to settle for most certainly had to fulfil those definitions.

Ithen made this! ♥


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