scavenge what you will [p]

WC: 300+
No worries, short is just fine by me!

Finn crept through the hollowed out remains of the sitting, slipping quietly over fallen light posts and clambering through holes left in the walls where the weather had triumphed over concrete. This place was strange and very new. Despite being a well traveled wolf, Finn had never dared to enter a city before. During her long journey from the west, she had skirted even the smallest of towns, her father’s lessons still ringing true in her head. There was something to be feared about these places, perhaps the shades of the creatures who had built them still haunted their creation. Finn had no intent on crossing paths with a phantom, especially knowing how fierce and bloodthirsty they had been from her father’s stories.

She took a deep breath, letting in all the scents of dust and decay, rusted metal and fresh blood… Blood? Finn stiffened, head lowering and eyes peering about suspiciously. Blood could mean a fight, or something wounded, or better yet, something dying. She hadn’t been eating very well, the animals here were too savvy and she didn’t know the territory of the city to hunt well, even at night. Maybe she would find an easy lunch. The gray wolf pushed back the uneasy feeling of investigating by herself. Alastair had refused to come with her, stopping at the very edge of the city with a stony look on his normally blank face. She’d never seen him act like that, even around wolves, and she was in no mood to test his patience.

She ditched him, went it alone, and now she was regretting it. Finn relied on the deer for his hearing and eerie sixth sense. He always knew when someone was coming, always. It was like flying blind right now. Finn took another slow step forward, placing her paw carefully so it wouldn’t disturb anything. One wrong footing, and things could start clanking and clattering like they had a life of their own! Slowly, so very slowly, Finn poked her head above the low wall, one ear flickering wildly. What she saw made her sigh first in disappointment, then relief. Not prey, unless she felt like going cannibal. It was another wolf.

”You’ll want to put some yarrow on that, you know.” Finn said, eyes flicking over the wound. ”Slows the blood flow.”


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