i couldn't protect her [J]
http://i233.photobucket.com/albums/ee19 ... rmor_t.png); background-position: top center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">
Awww thank you! I'm interested to see what Locke is like! A little powerplay to get them to shelter, let me know if you want it changed. 300+

The Seneschal wasn't aware how disturbing a luperci riding a horse could be to those not used to the sight, especially in such weather. It could be an effective tool though. It would make intruders such as this man think twice before causing trouble around here. He was surprised to see the wolf crouch down, as if expecting to be attacked outright. He did not appreciate trespassers, but that did not mean that he would strike first and ask questions later. That would only happen if an intruder clearly had hostility in mind. Haven said nothing more, waiting for the other to regain their composure and respond to him. Slowly they looked back up to him. There was a haunted and panicked look in those eyes, something that tugged at his chest. He watched with curiousity as the male moved and held something up to him, a bundle of some sort. Confusion took him as he looked at the bundle and back to the man. Then it became clear that help was needed.

If not for the weather he would have tried and talk more where they were, but it would do none of them any good to stay out. Without another thought Haven extended his arm for the other to grab. "Get on, I'll take you to my house." He waited for the ragged man to grab his arm and then muscles tensed as he pulled him up onto the horse to sit beside him. Drogon moved uneasily for a moment, not used to bearing anyone but the Knight. One burnt orange hand ran soothing over the stallion's neck to reassure him and let him know this was a matter of importance. Drogon snorted and at another nudge from his heels they moved into a gallop. The sooner they reached the house the better.

They had moved at an amazing pace. It was as if the winds from the storm had lent them their speed and pushed them west all the faster. The two-room cottage came into sight and they came to a stop in front of the porch. Haven swung down from the back of the mustang and helped the stranger and his load down as well. He opened the door and motioned for the man to head inside. He brought Drogon in under the shelter of the roof and tied the reins to one of the pillars holding the roof up. The Knight then moved inside and looked to the man. He was still at a loss as to what the bundle he handled so carefully was, but a fear gripped him at a guess.


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