where the road parts
In Character
    The silver coyote was not particularly preoccupied when the call went up. She was busily exploring the forest, inspecting the creeks contained therein for signs of rain and flood. The hybrid woman was bothered by the recent rainfall, her memory reminding her of the severe flooding that had driven much of their prey toward the forested land. It hadn't affected them too terribly, but Kaena was worried of such a thing becoming a regular occurrence. The hybrid woman snorted, knowing the night would come to a close soon enough. Already, the streaky signs of dawn were showing on the horizon, and by the time she made her way over to the pair on the borders the sun was beginning to peek up over it, blazing brilliantly and promising a hot day, a throwback to the recently deceased summer.

    She recognized Hezekiah and offered him a nod, appreciating at once the border patrol and the initial greet of the other stranger. Despite his injury and his lack of a memory at what had happened to cause such an injury, the darkly colored coyote was pulling his weight within the clan's harness, and such things did not go unnoticed by the hybrid woman. She offered him a smile, but immediately turned to the new coyote. He seemed rather young, and his fur was the color of the beach. She did not offer him a smile, but looked him over earnestly. He was not exceptionally underweight as some wanderers tend to be, and all-in-all he didn't appear to be particularly damaged or worn by his travels.

    Once finished with her inspection, the silver hybrid spoke. "Kaena Lykoi, the clan's second," she said, introducing herself with a nod. No sense filling his head with terms like Aquila and Centurion just yet; there would be time to learn these things still. "What can you do?" she asked rather simply. There was no point dawdling; no doubt Hezekiah had already introduced the clan and this newcomer head already expressed interest in running with the coyotes, else the Discens would not have summoned her to this spot.


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