i couldn't protect her [J]
http://i233.photobucket.com/albums/ee19 ... rmor_t.png); background-position: top center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">
Poor Locke :< 300+

The Knight knew that the horse would want to return to the stables, the overhung porch was not the best place for him in a storm. It would have to wait though. There was a sense of urgency in this situation that could not be ignored. This man needed him and that help that he seemed to so need could not wait. Haven wasn't sure if he could give it, but he would do his best to be of assistance. As he entered the house he saw a brief happiness in the other, but it was snuffed out like a candle with his appearance. The fear was back in him and the youth wanted to assure him that no harm would come to him beneath this roof, but he knew that it was not him that the older male feared. It was whatever was wrapped up in that cloth; that bundle he carried so carefully and desperately. After a long, silent connection of their gazes the contents of that package began to be revealed. Breath caught in his chest as he cautiously moved forward, not wishing to overstep his bounds.

The things that were revealed were two of the saddest sights he had even laid eyes on, and immediately wished he had not seen them. But those two, small, motionless bodies would be forever burned into his consciousness. His heart seized in his chest. They had barely been unveiled and Haven knew already that it was too late for them. Bi-colored ears plastered down against his head and a deep sorrow filled him. It mattered not that he did not know this man or these deceased pups. No life should be lost so young. It was a thing to mourn, regardless of familiarity. He was only a year old, but he knew this. Would have known it from his earliest days. New lives were a gift, and when they were so cruelly taken away it was a horrible thing. A loss that could not be comprehended.

Haven watched the man shake and fall to the ground, clutching what could only be his young to his chest. He had felt a great amount of pain in his life. Pain so vivid he thought it would be better to die. None of that even came close to what this man must be feeling though. Not within miles. The words and the strangling cry struck right to the quick of his soul. What could he do? The answer resounded in his head. Nothing. There was nothing he could do to bring back these children. Nothing he could do to ease the stranger's suffering. He stood there numbly, watching the tragedy before him, knowing there was nothing he could do or say.


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