Get up, get up, drop the BOMBSHELL
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WC: 300
I'm guessing she's on all fours? I left it vague, I couldn't tell. ;P

There was a rustling in the leaves nearby, one louder and more localized than the stirrings of the morning breeze. Jacquez raised an eyebrow, catching the scent before he turned his head. A familiar scent drifted faintly on the wind, dark and spicy, but not as familiar as he'd remembered. Leroy and Firefly had not bothered to inform him that his former co-leader had returned to their kingdom, but it was obvious that those were the only two willing to put up with her unpredictable behavior. A ghost of a smile played on the man's black lips as he turned fully, slouching against the fencepost to size her up.

"Svara Thames," he called out in greeting, pale fangs bright as his voice boomed through the stillness of dawn. "For a while there, I thought Haku had caught up with the rest of you. Glad to see you've still got some fur in between the scars." Several of the untamed horses perked their ears, glancing anxiously in the mongrel king's direction before returning to their placid grazing. Oversized deer. He heard one horse whinny a greeting, no doubt the orphan foal who had adopted him. It had been easier to wean Rue off of milk than it had been to wean her from his attention.

When Svara's face remained impassive, yellow eyes staring flatly, Jacquez pursed his lips into a pout. "Are you as blind as Ruri now, mademoiselle, or have your hawk's eyes improved enough to appreciate my looks?" His inky gaze fell to the collar, and he almost hissed aloud, surprise and distaste registering in his eyes. What on earth was she wearing that for? The indomitable young lass, bowing her head to the weight of a yoke she could clearly remove herself...? Now that was a puzzler. Had she changed so much in the time she was missing?


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