Get up, get up, drop the BOMBSHELL

She stared at the king with farel yellow eyes. Sitting down before him in her simplest form, the large leather collar hanging loose around her neck. It didn't take long for the king to look at her, his words caused no reaction in her, the cold viod expression didn't change. She let her gaze shift over his body looking at every feature, ones she had missed before and others she remembered. His fur was more vibrant, but that came with her improved eyes one she could now see perfectly from while the other was still damaged.

One of the horses made an obtrusive noise that made her ears perk and her gaze shift only slightly. Was the younger horse close to the king? Forgetting the creature when he spoke again she let her yellow orbs drift back to where he sat. Svara was quick to reply, her response wasn't to important. It was the look that he gave the collar around her neck that made her want to speak. He veiwed it as submission, she was sure of it. In a way the past few months of her life had been nothing but submission. Haku's torture had been fools play to what she had gone through, and yet she didn't regret it. Svara just felt different because of the boy...

"You have not changed king." Her voice was differnt, softer patient for him to talk. Still she was a ticking time bomb waiting to take out her inner demons on, but not like before. Svara had pushed firefly and Leroy away. They couldn't be her friends, they didn't understand, wouldn't understand. Jac hopfully would never figure out, what had happened to her.


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