It's all so far apart
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Sorry I didn't get to this last night. Homework and all =(

Lost in thought as he was (not something terribly common for the big wolf), Jantus didn't hear or smell the little girl coming before the called out, and he turned quickly, toward the right as was typical for him, the world spinning into view of his good eye first. At first he didn't see anything, even with his head tilted down to the level where he greeted most wolves. He looked down further, to find a very peculiar little girl who only stood a little taller than his elbow. She was wearing some strange, frilly human garment, and had a great deal of curly hair on her head...unusual in the wolves he'd met.

"Are you sure you're not just small, little one?" he asked, smiling down at her with a slightly quizzical expression. "Many people have called me big, but none of them quite so small as you. You've a bit of growing to do yet before you decide on who is huge and who is not!" He bellowed his good-natured laugh, and felt compelled to tussle her hair (despite it being much longer than any he'd seen before), but contained himself. He had four daughters back home, who he loved very much, and it was good to be reminded of them. Nonetheless, this was a strange girl in a strange land, and the last thing he wanted was to cause any disturbance; better to just keep himself behaved. It didn't even occur to him that calling a child short might bother their sense of grown-upedness, but such was the care-free nature and spontaneity of his humor that he rarely took such careful considerations before speaking up.

The bearskin cape, a symbol of his rank back home, blew slightly in the wind, but was heavy enough that a strong gust would be necessary to truly disturb it. He hadn't wanted to bring it along, but his mate, Vera, had said something about paying respects in form, and insisted that he travel with it. It had a few pockets that had been stitched on that let him carry things, but for the most part it was a non-utilitarian garment, and that made him detest it at times, though he certainly felt bigger (as if he wasn't enough already) and more important when he wore it before his pack-mates. The belt at his waist, on the other hand, he minded not at all. It was very useful, and he could understand why humans had used such clothing. After all, he'd have had to carry his club with him all through this land without it, and nothing said trouble quite like greeting pack leaders with a weapon in hand.

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