You better free your mind instead

^^ This post is a little crap :<
Word Count: 314

come dance with the west wind and touch on the mountain tops

She stopped, and his shoulders relaxed a little just from that. So, she would not leave him in a flurry of confusion - good. She might be confused, but imagine how he felt! One moment, everything was normal, one moment she had torn his view of reality away. And he felt like it was his fault no matter what she said, for not having the feelings she wanting him to have. As if it was a flaw of some kind, that he lacked something. As she stopped, her voice continued to blame herself, and Dawali halted, uncertain. To some degree her words made sense, but they did not reveal all of it. It wasn't his fault, and it wasn't her fault - it was no one's fault. I'm still sorry, though. His voice was reserved and low, with none of the usual boom and authority. Perhaps it was true that she messed everything up with this, because a moment ago they were friends, and now he did not know what they were. His stance made it clear that he wished to say something more, and his face made it clear that he did not know what to say. Perhaps he wanted to touch her shoulder, perhaps not. He did not know, but the situation was awkward beyond what he could handle. He did not agree that he had nothing to be sorry about, because his friend was hurting and it felt like it was his fault. Ember.. What I meant was.. I haven't thought about our friendship like that, because I've not thought about anything like that, not in ages. He'd been alone for so long, he didn't know the alternative anymore. Sad, perhaps, in its own way, but in many ways the tribe was his child, and his lover. His time was occupied, and he was content. Or so he thought, at least.


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