the ocean breathes salty

Thanks, Ari commented thoughtlessly as the stranger complimented his picture, feeling a small flicker of pride glow within him. At home, no one had ever complimented his drawings, except for Nikolaos. His older brother would look at Ari's work, smile, and sometimes take a piece to his own room. Ari remembered sneaking into Nikolaos' room and seeing a few works of his own on the walls in the corner, away from prying eyes. Such thoughts on his brother dimmed, however, as Ari remembered it had been his one advocate that had led him here and left him. Therefore, he blocked out all thoughts of Nikolaos. At least until he came back.

The other kid continued, and what he said made Ari raise a thoughtful eyebrow. Italy? He had never heard of that place. But still, this wolf had been on a ship! On the ocean! What an adventure. He glanced up from his drawing, blue eyes lit up with admiration, before saying, I've never been on a ship, but I've seen them. I'd like to travel on one one day. He paused before sheepishly adding, Where's Italy? His mother had never thought much of educating him. He scarcely knew where he lived, let alone anything else. His arithmetic was scarce, and he didn't know how to read or write. All a shrine to how his mother dearest loved him so.


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