the litter and the leaves

WC: 400+
True. I think Alastair wants to get street cred, so he hangs with Finn. XD

”I think you’d have to look for a very long time before you found someone bigger than yourself.” Finn chuckled, looking up at Jantus. She had seen big wolves, fought some of them too, but no regular wolf could compare to the height and shoulder width of Jantus. She would have laughed herself silly if she had met Jantus before and then happened on some puffed up old frog boasting about how he was the biggest and the strongest. Certainly, if she ever came across so arrogant a wolf again, she would be able to burst his bubble quickly enough.

”I can’t really catch deer. I don’t have the stamina, nor the strength to bring anything but a fawn or an elder down. And Alastair doesn’t seem to like deer. He’s a weird one, to be sure. I think he hit his head and believes he’s a wolf too, or something like that. He follows me around most of the time, and sometimes he’ll go off on his own, but he doesn’t go looking for other deer, and he doesn’t stick around if some of his type come walking about. I wonder, if I learned the low speech, if he’d tell me why…” Finn said, before shaking her head and laughing again.

”But that would make me even stranger than I am!” Her brother Aegnus had a dislike that bordered on contempt for all of the lower creatures. They were food, you didn’t go being friendly to something that would be in your stomach by the next morning. Finn disagreed. Her brother had been wrong about a lot of things, and after the stunts he’d pulled she was disinclined to side with his opinions. Besides, if she tried to take a bite out of Alastiar, he’d kick her in the head or stick her with one of his sharp antlers. Getting scars from fighting wolves was all well and fine, but a deer? That would just be embarrassing.

”Yeah, well…” Finn looked away, shrugging her shoulders, ”Pack life and I have never gotten along so great.” She wanted to belong, she really did, but it was hard. Alphas tended to view you as a liability when you took to fighting as much as Finn did. She never fought with pack members, but anyone else was fair game and tended to cause trouble with the inter pack relations. Finn snorted out a breath at a tumbling leaf, avoiding Jantus’s eyes. She didn’t want him to judge her, but he was a pack wolf, an Alpha, and would probably know a couple troublemaker wolves who’d tried to join over the years.


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