free to waste away alone
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He hadn't expected a name to be familiar to the white female. After all, the names where just names to the people who he had left behind in the world, or left him behind. His past was filled with faces and names to match him, people who said they where going to be a father or a mother to him and yet they where all gone despite his never moving. They never visited, or wrote a letter, or even sent someone they knew along to see if he was still alive. If any of his family members be it Deuce, Lucifer, Pilot or one of his adoptive brothers, he doubted they would even recognize him. Deuce hadn't seen him since Garnet disappeared and Lucifer, though he was the closest thing to a father he had, had proven to me disloyal to his family. Even his attempts to stop his drinking at an early age has failed, though as an adult Jazper only drank on occasions.

Her words almost stung him though he knew they where meant only from a good heart. Pilot wanted to forget Dierdre? He had only known Die for a few weeks but she was his first care giver after his parents death and to him, she was timeless, forever stuck as that pregnant white woman who accepted him into her growing family as a son. Because of her he was a the eldest son of the Rhiannon's, even if it was only by adoption. Still he choked back the words of defense for his name sake and nodded, “I'm sure he was. He wasn't around much though. I don't even know if his blood sons knew him as a father. I grew up with both Dierdre's pups and Deuce's sons you see. All of us boys in the manor, those where the good days.” He chuckled. “I grew up fine never the less, turns out having different sets of parents all teaching you their opinions is a good thing.” He said with a sheepish smile. “I am sorry about you missing him so badly. I do understand how it feels to lose a loved one.”


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