seconds from the aftermath, happiness from beyond


The thing shimmered beneath the water, camouflaged so well that it looked like little more than a blur of sand. But if one looked closely enough, its eight legs would become obvious, its giant eyes clear. They were strange creatures, like nothing that Hemming had ever seen, and what was truly amazing was their sheer multitude. These little beasts were all through the water, but their sandy colored skin kept them hidden. This was the miniature version of the eight-armed sea monsters of lore, the innocent side of a vicious predator. These ones were good natured and shy, and just the slightest bit of movement could rub them the wrong way. The one that Hemming had spotted stuck around, though, and he watched it fondly.


At Anu's question, he replied softly, "It's an octopus. Eight arms, no skeleton, three hearts to love you with, and a wonderful brain." There was a grin on the wolf's face as he looked back down to the funny creature, watching it until it caught sight of a shadow moving and darted away. "Oh," Hemming started, "There she goes. There are many more, but they're tricky to find." Smiling, he took another look at the water, where the movement of the creature had left little torrents of sand. "Maybe if we stay still for a moment others will come by."


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