i couldn't protect her [J]
http://i233.photobucket.com/albums/ee19 ... rmor_t.png); background-position: top center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">
Apologies might be needed again, seeing as I'm feeling like a zombie minus the hunger for brainz x.x 300+

Haven didn't blame the man for bringing this into his life. Even if he wanted to he wouldn't have been able to. Not with what had befallen him. Besides, the young hybrid understood burdens and he understood the need to have someone, anyone, be there for you in such times. He had been there before, and could never be upset with someone for needing something that he had needed on many occasions. He had just been doing his duty when had confronted the intruder on their lands, but once the circumstances had become known to him he had taken up another duty. Being a knight was more than just being loyal to your king. It meant helping everyone you could, at least it did to him.

Eyes stayed locked on the older man as he waited for his words to soak in. Some light seemed to come back to his eyes and he was thankful for that. Despite that his offer was declined, but he understood. The burnt orange male nodded his head in understanding. Sometimes even in your darkest moments solitude was needed. There were some things that you simply had to do on your own. He understood that burying one's family could very well be one of those things. Silence reigned again for a few moments as Haven stumbled his way through the situation. He had never faced death before and so he was not aware of how he should act. There was one thing he did know though. "You should wait until the storm passes though. It should be more peaceful when you do." Or at least it seemed that way to him. "You're free to stay here as long as you want, I have a spare room." It was the very least he could do.

Rain began to pound against the room and windows of the small house and he heard Drogon neigh from without. Haven grabbed a heavy blanket and moved to open the door and found it nearly ripped off its hinges from the wind. He spent a few minutes calming the stallion and convincing him to lay down, covering him with the heavy cloth so that the horse would not catch a chill. Soothing words were whispered to his friend before he returned indoors. He grabbed a nearby hunk of wood and placed it in the fireplace and grabbed the pack of matches on the mantel. Perhaps a fire would help drive some chill from the room. As he hunched over the newborn flame he looked back to his guest. "Is there anything I can get you? My name is Haven, by the way."


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