the litter and the leaves
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Sorry for delays, lots of reading homework!

Jantus laughed along with her, but he knew bigger wolves existed. She was right, it had taken him a while, but there were a lot of people willing to die in the War of Shadows. Large though he was, he hadn't been the biggest of them. He remembered a big black-furred male who had run off with a group of smaller cultists. Skoll had ordered Graelthrim, Tymara, and the twins to pursue them. From the reports he'd gotten, the groups had eventually met, just within the boundaries of the Bleeding Souls territory, where the cultists had been assigned to stir up trouble, allegedly in an effort to divert attention from the main battle, or failing that, to punish their leader for leaving home at all in the blood of his people. Tymara and her group had dispatched the cultists, but by the time all was said and done, the diversion had cost both groups their lives. Jantus wondered just who had killed that big black monster.

To her next claim, Jantus snorted abruptly. "Nothing wrong with bein' a little strange, Finn. It's the strange ones that people remember. All my best friends have been a little weird after one fashion or another. Learnin' low speak may seem pointless to me, but might be it makes sense if you take to traveling with brain-damaged deer." He snickered at this last, but kept pace with the more light-footed she-wolf beside him. It was a little awkward talking to someone whose head was five feet lower than his own, but it certainly wasn't the first time.

"No? You a loner at heart, then?" He squinted down at her for a moment as she avoided his eyes, and decided better of it. Judging by her tone, that wasn't it at all. "Have trouble fitting in, eh? Well, that happens to the best of us. Even my friend Skoll got exiled from a pack, once. Twice to hear Aivyr tell it. Aivyr, that's one of my traveling companions. Anyway, Skoll had saved a little girl from the clutches of this rogue coyote group...Inferni, I believe. This group taught their adolescent children to fight, and tossed them into the fray. Understandably, the tykes get hurt: what did the idiots think would happen if they used their kids as fodder for an eight-foot tall werewolf? These coyotes run to Skoll's alpha, and wham, his alpha turns on him just like that: after two years of defending that border, including that fight I mentioned earlier where he nearly got killed, his alpha exiles him out of fear of the coyotes. Tch," Jantus scowled. "If I ever met that alpha of his, I'd give him a piece of my mind. Or of this club. Loyalty deserves better than a quick betrayal the first time it's convenient for public relations. Doubt I'll ever meet the fool; idiots like that usually don't last long in top-dog positions. He was already gone half a year later." Jantus had clearly put himself in a foul mood, but he shook his head slowly and seemed to calm down.

"No, packs don't always give reward as they should. I'm guessing you're never saying no helped in that, eh?" he smiled down expectantly, hoping to lighten the mood again.

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