like the tides of my life
313 words~

Princess reached out for the bottle and Ares gave it to her easily. He really wasn't suspicious or anything, just really curious about what it was. Her defensive manner, though, made him wonder if maybe this bottle was something to worry about. Or maybe the wolf who gave it to her was someone to worry about. After the bottle was back in her hand, she answered his first round of questions. Alcohol? This stuff was alcohol? Ares had read about that, before. Generally he understood that while some people liked it, sometimes it made people do weird things, and thus in his opinion it was not at all something his precious sister should be getting into. That seemed like a wrong thing, to him. And it was a drug, too! He had read about drugs. And drugs were what got Naniko, their previous leader of Crimson Dreams, kicked out of the pack. Would they kick out Princess, if they knew? Panic fluttered. His own recent brush with displeasing Savina was still too fresh in his mind.

"You should be careful Princess. Alcohol is a drug, and before you came here the old leader of Crimson Dreams was kicked out because she did drugs." His tone was much more solemn now. Ares genuinely was worried. He did not like the sound of this Haven, either. What sort of guy would give out drugs to pretty young girls? The gray boy massively distrusted his motives. Well, to be fair, Haven could be a girl.. Princess didn't really specify gender, but Ares' mind was quick to jump to assumptions. "Who is Haven, how'd you meet them?" He barely gave her a chance to answer his previous ones before asking more. Now he was sort of worried about this situation. How had he gotten so far removed from his sister's life? They used to do everything together.

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