dark coagulum
ohithar :o

       The hybrid woman made her usual roundabout the borders, plodding along rather resignedly in her Secui form. She had started the day as a two-legged, and in her responsible duties she decided it would be easiest to pace the perimeter with four legs, yet she did not feel like completing the shift all the way to Lupus form. Too much effort, and besides—she'd need to have opposable thumbs sooner or later. So she remained in her shaggy halfling form, her heavy paws carrying her quite quickly. Her stride was long and lacking in purpose, and the hybrid woman appeared to meander. She was rather accustomed to making this regular trip and finding nothing; coyotes were fewer in number and harder to attract into group life in general, so it was no wonder to the Centurion.

       The day was warm, though there was the occasional crisp breeze to whisper autumn's steady arrival. It was October now, and soon the leaves would turn to fire and ash. The coyote welcomed it, and she desired the coldness of winter, though she had never particularly enjoyed its frigid temperatures prior to spending the past two winters in the southland. The cold season was not so cold there, and instead of snow there was miserable freezing rain and sleet. Nothing could have made Kaena miss a Canadian winter quite like that. Continuing on her way, the hybrid scented a strange scent, one stranger likely waiting on the borders for someone to acknowledge her.

       Kaena's pace quickened, her heavy silver paws plowing carelessly over the earth. She was at home here, and they was no need to conceal her presence and attempt to play coy. Should she find herself with someone unpleasant on the borders and fail to handle the situation herself, there was all of Inferni at her beck and call, each of the coyotes eager to rip flesh from bone in the name of their clan. The coyote smiled cooly at this thought as she continued forward, the emotion quickly fading as a voice rang out over the air. The stranger was within view now, but perhaps the hybrid's bulk was concealed by the tall grasses yet. The silvery canine paused some feet away, her searing eye studying what she could see of the other poking up from the tall grasses.

       The coyote woman remained quiet for just a moment, inspecting the very coyote face. Her eyes were perhaps her most striking feature, some pale off-yellow that seemed to glow even in the afternoon's light. Her presence was enough of an answer for the question the newcomer had asked to the open air, and the coyote did not verbally respond to that, but instead spoke on a different train in her usual gravelly voice. "Hanging around here for grins?" she said, tossing her head to one of the gleaming skulls. Its own smile seemed macabre, empty eyes forever watchful of the coyote perimeter.
Thanks to Akumu for the table!

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