A Place in Displacement

xD you dont fail, this thread has been so enjoyable i hate to say; you wana wrap it up?
hmm... im tucking that offer into my pocket for a later place and time Big Grin

Perhaps in another lifetime. She didn't know everything her god in store for her, and just maybe she would be reborn in another. One that was stronger then, one that could hold the weight of children. One that could conceive, and at the very least lay with one that could plant the seed. Anu could not do the very least, and was sure she would never know if she could do anything else. Her belief would die when she did. "Such is life." It was her own fault in a way, for if she only fought the feelings that she held for the effeminate perhaps her line would continue. But Anu had accepted who she was, was could only hope that her god had made her as she was for a reason.

"It should be their honor to do so." Anu offered with a smile. If he raised them to, why wouldn't they? Blue eyes regarded him with a warmer feeling, no longer the threat that he had once been. It seemed like so long ago that she had fear and took him as nothing more then a trespassing dog.


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