Pale Green Eyes
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No, no. I made you wait too ><

The silent nod of the other was not strange to the quiet warrior, and a soft yet golden smile was given in return. The woad-bound maw lowered to take some of the meat, placing it to the side. Perhaps, once the formalities of conversation were complete, the white female would dine with her. But briefly, her attention was turned elsewhere. At the nest, soft growls was lifted upon the air, and it seemed to the woad-marked fae that the voices of her children belonged within the world. The relief that had been felt when she realized that the pups belonged to Onus lingered ever in her soul. While she had been prepared to still the lives should they have darkened souls, the warrior preferred this persistence of life. And she found the love that she felt for these small twins to be strange and yet expected. A small smile danced upon her maw as she beheld those small forms that would inevitably grow into fuller, stronger forms.

The Vitis did not answer the Adonis’ query and was silent; such silence did not sit well with the warrior who believed that such questions must be confronted, but she did not push the other female. The question that was raised upon the air caused the woad-banded ears to press forward. The white orbs turned from the twins at her feet to the pregnant fae. How was Haku with children? The warrior did not know. She herself had not often engaged within children for her disapproval of their disrespect. Now, with her own, she had taken care to raise them with care and with the discipline of warriors. But Haku had not taken up the role of father, and Alexey had been the caretaker of the Soul children. The thoughts flitted through her mind with such celerity that the silence was not lasting. "I don’t know," the quiet melody replied at length. Perhaps once she would have believed him to respond decently, but recently she had felt much darkness within him. Perhaps, with the unborn lives belonging to Mew, to whom Haku was related, the pups would be well protected. But then the warrior paused. Was that what the white fae wished? Mew would know Haku more acutely than she. "What would you want in a father?" There was a brief pause before the warrior continued, her posture lowering as she sat those sinewy haunches upon the earth.

A specific thought rose up upon the air, provoked by the mood that seemed so unfamiliar of the green-eyed fae. Mild concern rose up within the emotionally dilute palette of the Adonis. "Will you not raise them?" Cwmfen herself primarily raised the twins, for Onus was not always welcome within the packs. But she understood that and knew the responsibilities that Nature and the Wild had placed upon the female. And the pups seemed to understand that as well, for their love of their father was very strong. But Mew’s mate had left.... The warrior did not find such a thing to be a complication, but she knew what was expected within these societies. She wondered briefly if that was what kept Onus nearby, but then she knew that he, too, had grown to love these small creatures that together they had wrought.


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