The Path Becomes as the Tongue of a Snake
Okay, this wait is not oaky >< I hope to not make you wait again~
I like this table too—your minimalism tables are awesome!

The woad bound ears drank in the tale that unfolded. The details had not been imparted upon her before; she had merely heard of abduction, rape, and death. Such things were not unfamiliar in the scenes of war, and so she had not thought much of it. Even now, the details were not unfamiliar, but she could feel the empty heat of Anselm’s bitterness and anger in his words and in the air. And the warrior knew Haku well enough to conclude that such acts had been unnecessary. (When were such things, when was rape, a necessity? Such lines fell loosely within the warrior’s morality.) It was the unnecessary nature of such acts that did not sit well with the warrior. Anselm’s niece had been abducted. "Do you not seek to extract justice?" The soft melody shaped the word within her mouth, and she smiled inwardly at the thought of her lover. But the tranquility was undisturbed upon her external features, for the particular history was not one to be taken lightly. "Haku’s sister?" Mew had been attacked? The warrior could see now the origin of Haku’s anger; he had always lacked control in such areas. A faint nod of understanding was given as she thought through the male’s words. The Raven Warrior wondered if it was wrong of her to desire war or to have been present within the lands at the time of the battles.

A quiet, silver laugh rose quietly upon the silence of the air. The soft nudge that was given was received without comment. Perhaps, if Anselm were another creature, such contact would be received with a warning snarl, a snap of her jaws, for it was not often that the warrior made contact with others. But the gesture was an amiable thing, and she knew that Anselm was not an ignorant wolf. The woad-marked crania turned to consider the caramel hybrid. "I’m glad to be held in such high regards," the soft melody replied. Had she been a social creature, such words may have been spoken in jest. But the song was sung with sincerity, and her laugh given in simple, delightful mirth. The language that was utilized by this male was not one that she was often accustom to hearing, and she found that its dance within the air was strange and yet not misplaced. The twins turned to look at each other. What is ‘cool’? they wondered, their little heads tilting imperceptibly. Are we cool too? But they were silent and would ask later as they turned their gaze to look up at the red eyes of the stranger that was no longer so strange. The twins decided that they liked Anselm, and so they felt comfortable and content.

The black fae lead them in silence for a great distance. Her maw lowered to the earth occasionally to scent the trails both old and new, and she scented also the marks made upon the trees and twigs. The pups watched their Mamaidh carefully and intently in the silence, and they would follow and imitate her. Together the twins paused to scent places longer than others, and soon they could understand what deer smelled like. It was indeed deer that the warrior now sought, for, where once she had sought only rabbits or beavers, the presence of the caramel male allowed for the pursuit of larger game. The warrior found that her body craved the nutrients of a deer’s graceful body more strongly than the nutrients of a smaller hare. It was a wolf’s hunger.

"There are deer not far ahead," the soft susurrus noted. And she indeed meant ‘near’, for as a glade parted before them, a small heard was found grazing. Carefully the warrior had taken them downwind, and the pups now had the opportunity to look upon the forms of the prey animals. The pups walked quietly forward, peering cautiously at the larger animals with curiosity. Their noses twitched as they scented the air, smelling strongly now the smells of their food. Pausing, the warrior turned to Anselm asking, "Do you hunt deer in Inferni?" The whispered query was spoken sincerely, for she did not know. Coyotes often did not hunt deer, she knew, but Inferni’s strange habit of conglomerating as wolves did may have changed such tendencies.


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