Fresh Start and Lonely Heart


OOC:Can you add "Leader needed" to your title Big Grin

Boring. That was the best way to describe boarder patrol. He didn't really enjoy the activity itself, the pacing around the boarder in a massive circle only to fine what, maybe that a new squirrel passed through? It was not the most exciting work to say the least but it had to be done by someone. If a strange aggressive wolf would pass through every week or so to make his life a little more exciting he really wouldn't mind. As he thought about the one time a wolf had entered the territory with an ill will he mentally flinched. The last time had been exciting yes, but terrifying. If he hadn't been around that day god knows where poor Mati would have ended up, in the beasts stomach no doubt. Perhaps the boring routine life was good enough for now. Though he wouldn't mind if he had someone to talk to.

He hummed a simple melody as he trotted along on four paws, his Secui form being most comfortable for a boarder patrol. Sure, it was all nice and easy to run around on two legs with weapons on hand if their was an attack but if he was going to run around in circles for a few hours he was going to travel the faster way, the natural way, with nothing on him to bring his speed down when he decided to make a sprint for the heck of it. He missed walking around like this sometimes, it was the way he had grown up, close to eh ground where the sounds seemed clearer. A new scent distracted him from his thoughts, someone was in the territory. A growl escaped his lips as he sent a howl into the air calling for Savina or Anu's aid as he started with a sprint in the direction of the smell.

His anger grew inside of him like a small ember bursting into a fire as a low rumble rang inside of him. Wolves knew better then to enter someone's territory. His anger faded quickly as a tiny howl barley reached his ears. He stopped in his tracks at the tiny sound. A pup? Why would a pup be alone. He slowly walked forward, nose pointing low to the ground in a gentle curiosity. A sense of horror filled him as a tiny gray pup appeared before him, obviously struggling to stay conscious. He raised his muzzle into the air instantly letting out a howl for help, not for him, but for their visitor. Worry coated his golden eyes as he began to panic, what could he do? Instinct taking over his emotions he lay down beside the tiny figure and wrapped a tail around her, “Are you okay?” It was a stupid question but he was at a loss for words, the situation reminding him too much of his own arrival, alone, to Jaded Shadows. His heart stung hoping the little pup would talk back, even make a sound so he knew she was alive enough to get the food and water she desperately needed.


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