I've been to hell
OOC: Hallelujah!

IC: Seven was deep in thought. So deep, that he didn't notice the incoming figure. A Luperci. A noble. It was a bit too late when he reacted. She had already spoken and the black wolf raised his head in reaction. His expression suddenly turned from confused to horrified. The young male almost ran off before his mind signaled him to halt. Seventy-Two lowered his head in a respectful, yet timid manner. He felt vulnerable as if he was a small pup in front of a crazed killer.

A few moments of silence followed. The female asked a question and he knew that he had to answer. But there was this thick, rubbery substance stuck inside his throat, choking the poor guy from the inside. He tried to swallow it, but was left gasping for air. Slowly, he raised his eyes, locking on the view of the female. She was tall, quite the beauty in her Optime form. Her pelt was pure white, not a spot on it. Seven didn't dare to look her in the eyes. He was pretty sure they were beautiful as well. Instead, he focused on his feet scratching the sand.

Come on, the lady asked you a question. Answer it already! Seven tried finding the courage to speak. He had to dig deep but finally dug up the natural bits and pieces of the emotion that he had left. My Lady, he bowed so low that his nose touched the sand. I am a humble servant. My master was lost at sea, but I was spared for some reason. The explanaition was pretty clear to him. I mean, everyone knows that his red tattoo means he's a hunter and that his master is clearly a noble Luperci. Little pups know that, right?

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