And we all come tumbling down

Yay, it turned out better than I expected it to!
Word Count: 317. Worth 2 points.

Hanna had to agree. Life was pretty sweet right then. She had been back in Dahlia only a couple days, though not officially; only at the request and escort of Mew, but it was nice to be back among the areas she had become familiar with during the time she had lived in Dahlia de Mai as a member. She was making a sort of sentimental trek, circling around and lingering in a place for some time before moving on and going elsewhere. That day her paws had carried her from Mew's den in Wolfville, through a small part of Berwick and a ravine that she didn't know the name of, into Oberon's Spring.

Hanna could not help but be thrust into the past, for it was here that she had confessed to Cercelee that she had had feelings for her mate. The femme was no longer sad that she could not have Slay. He was nice, and she had been more than a little upset then, but now some couple months later she realized that there were others out there that perhaps were more suited for her than he was. She could now be happy for the pairing and wish them long lives together in happiness.

It was fitting that the medic found herself approaching a familiar white figure, as well. Hanna did not doubt that at some point she would encounter Cercelee, though she hoped that Mew would have alerted her to Hanna's presence in the pack so that the ebony woman did not cause problems. Her niece had not informed her either way, but surely the story held water, given Mew's past. So Hanna was not worried to come near the leader, stand near her and gaze at the dying embers of the sun mixing with the burnt hues of autumn reflecting over the spring. Her voice echoed quietly across the water, "Hello, Cer."


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