Get up, get up, drop the BOMBSHELL
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WC: 300+

He watched the red wolf's ears flatten as he approached - was it apprehension? Rejection, fear? It wasn't like he was about to hit her when he got close enough. Although she certainly looked silly enough, sitting stiff on all fours like a good little dog. Maybe a neat smack would wipe that blank expression away. Ahh, but it was not his style. Violence should be fun, like a drunken brawl over the last bottle. Besides, if she was a good girl now, she might start to cry...

"More mongrels indeed," he agreed blandly, watching with rising interest as she closed the gap between them. "Probably twenty of 'em, judging by the size of her belly." Was it so obvious that he was not a family man? Svara was on her paws again - moving of her own free will, eh? A deep satisfied chuckle rumbled from his chest as he watched her smile, her glinting fangs a welcome flash in the drab morning light. "Damn straight. You'd better not change," he growled happily. He always got what he wanted. And in his triumphant pride, he squatted down on his haunches, the closest he would ever get to lowering himself to her level. The king did not shift, but he was willing to crouch every once in a while - if no one else was watching.

"Alors, what's with the cowhide necklace? You into bondage now?" he asked sarcastically, catching the latch with his claw before letting it go. He did have a one-track mind, and that heavy collar was one obscene flaw that his roaming eyes could not avoid. He was all for scars - since his tryst with Kaena Lykoi, he had even come to realize that scars were his biggest turn-on. But collars? Well, that had to be the opposite. He didn't even like the restriction that clothes posed, let alone the tools humans had designed for their canine servants.


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