tiny cities made of ashes
I didn't get the chance to watch it, but I read the two books. I can kind of see what you mean, it's been so long since I read them, though. XD 500+


http://i275.photobucket.com/albums/jj32 ... he/st2.png); background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: bottom; padding-bottom: 160px; text-align: justify;">

As she contorted in surprise and dropped the piece of junk that she had been looking at, it did flit across his mind that perhaps she put this on as some kind of set-up—for he was pretty sure no one within a few hundred yards could have missed him breaking into the ancient automobile—but he didn’t really entertain the notion. He thought of it as rude, firstly, and outlandish secondly. He had no clue as to why she would do such a thing, so he discarded the thought as quickly as it had cropped up.

She looked annoyed at his question first, holding that position for such an amount of time that the young coyote had to raise an eyebrow at her (though it wasn’t really visible, as his bandanna obscured that particular feature of his face). Despite his own strange reception and apparent lack of interest, it wasn’t to say that he wasn’t curious. He had seen, during all of the months of his life, perhaps two or three females anywhere within three years of his own age. He studied her first with a reserved notion, then with a small amount of fascination that he refused let register in his eyes or expression. Indeed, he did begin to feel a little bit hot under her stare, confused by her annoyance. What had he done that had returned that reaction? Surely he had just posed a simple question, and nothing more?

After the silence and the exchange of stares from the two young coyotes, she let go of the stance she had been holding. Her hands slid from her hips, and he generally felt as though he wasn’t as much under fire as before. She answered, scratching behind one large coyote ear—two actions which generally gave off a suave air, after Snake thought about it. He wasn’t sure if it was facilitated or natural for her, though.

Naturally the question got reflected back at him, and he looked to the car again. What was I doing? he thought for a second, blankly, before answering, “Trying to figure this thing out.” He glanced towards the hood of the car, and noticed a flash of light and a strange surface. Snake had discovered a side-view mirror which, despite the tests of time, was in pretty good shape. It was cracked in several places, but the image it gave was mostly true to life. He reached out for it, but the second his clawed hand touched it, the connecting wires snapped and the metal groaned. The mirror landed on the ground with a small crack.

“Dammit,” the youth growled to himself, fully exiting the old vehicle and picking up the object from the ground. There was one more crack on the mirror now, but it was miraculously still in pretty good shape. He looked over to the girl for a moment and then took a few steps in her direction, holding out the mirror to her. He wasn’t sure whether it was a gift or a peace offering, but he had no other immediate needs for it. Why not?


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