I've been to hell

She didn't quite understand what he meant about not having a choice. Wolves who joined a pack were free to come and go as they wished, to serve for as long as they wanted to before moving on and going somewhere else. She had never really felt right as a loner, needing the close-knit companionship that a pack could offer her. A bunch of wolves all working toward the common goal of supporting each other in life.

"Not a cottage, then?" She echoed, nodding toward the barn area. They had large flocks of sheep and grazing cattle, and they would go through the animal fields before they reached the barn that she stored her food inside. She had been a herder and caretaker of the animals, and had left food there just in case.

"Sounds good to me. But in order to offer you a place here, I must ask you a few questions. Not hard ones...just ones about yourself" She walked a bit slower so that she could take another look at him while she spoke, wanting to see his expressions. "What kinds of skills did you use when you were a servant? I mean to say...what sorts of things do you have to offer our pack?"

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