Tossed and thrown
Word Of The Day:

1) 22/02/2008
__(dissolute): (x)
__"Hanna was not dissolute by nature."

2) 9/3/2008
__(kismet): (x)
__"Perhaps it was kismet that made them meet this way."

3) 21/3/2008
__(myriad): (x)
__"But this morning had dawned on a Hanna that was angry for a myriad of reasons..."

4) 22/3/2008
__"She knew he'd make her remunerate for this, but how was another matter..."

5) 21/7/2008
__" 'And that's what brings me here. I've heard tell that Shadowed Sun has access to a supernumerary of books...' "

6) 25/3/2009
__"Svara's eyes were covered by a scarlet cloth, and Hanna's stomach lurched in a tumult of emotions..."

7) 17/7/2009
__"The lightning crackled across the sky, a leitmotif that just kept happening over and over."

8) 17/8/2009
__"She trailed off and stood, her tail making undulations behind her."

9) 27/8/2009
__"She was chary of saying the wrong thing to Mew, especially after seeing that there were tears on her face."

10) 6/9/2009
__"With a final squeak and a violent shake of her jaws, the spinal cord was ripped asunder, and the creature seemed to acquiesce to it's fate."

11) 18/9/2009
__"His offer to tutor her was met with alacrity."

12) 23/9/2009
__"... the mist creating an eldritch effect."

13) 29/10/2009
__"...her voice hushed but seeming stentorian, and a little rough."

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