atlantis is my only dream tonight

Night was beginning to fall, but that didn't mean that Ember was anywhere near going into her den and settling down for sleep. There was not anything troubling her in particular, at least, nothing that she could think of...but her feet felt like they needed a good walk. She had been a bit lax in her practice with her blade Lightning as of late, choosing to hunt with Hemming for extra meat or helping him with skinning rabbits to make warm blankets out of instead; perhaps this was the reason why her feet felt like walking tonight.

Bayard was asleep in his stall in the stables, and she heard the light whinnying of one of the foals as she passed the skeletal structure in the darkness. She walked for a little ways before her feet began to bother her and she broke into a run to cure the itch. Her breath came in and out heavily and in deep gulps by the time she reached the silver wolf's den and she slowed to a walk as she approached. How did the pups like the rabbit pelts that they had stitched together? Did the thread hold up alright? She had a few questions for him.

As she neared, however, she noticed something just outside of the reach of the den's darkness--a little figure. One of the lost puppies. "Hey there...'You'" She panted. She couldn't remember this one's name, if it had ever been told to her. "Not in bed yet? I guess it ain't late enough...I was just wonderin' about how the rabbit pelts were, if they were stayin' together and working out fer you guys."

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