til this hour has gone around


She watched the coyote boy, her golden eyes unblinking. The youth before her seemed so innocent, and yet he looked up to the vicious coyote who had attacked her. He seemed confused, perhaps because of the white wolfess' own shock and confusion directed toward him. She wondered if Kaena had taught him to fight; he certainly displayed aggressive body language, a daring thing for such a small pup faced with a much larger adult.

Naturally, Mason defended the coyote woman. Xeris felt her muscles tense. He asked her what she had done. A small surge of anger rushed through her body--she had barely done anything. "I got lost end ended up in Inferni's territory," she responded. "I tried to explain myself and be friendly but she wouldn't listen to me." Xeris had stopped pacing backward now, and stood firmly in place, waiting.


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