I am the Ooga-Booga Master
http://sixpop.com/files/1024/graphics/Daisuke-T1.png); background-repeat:no-repeat; background-position:top;">

OOC: you're welcome. And Daisuke is the definition of silly xP

BIC: The water felt so good. No matter how cold it was. He grew up with the ocean, he knew the feeling of it year round. He wasn't scared to go swimming in the middle of fall, or really winter. Sometimes in winter the water was warmer than the air, and so it wasn't all so bad until you got out of the water and turn into an icicle. Then it was a problem. He tried to avoid the ocean in winter, but sometimes the urges just were too strong, and he was too attached to the ocean to totally leave her alone. She never deserved to be left alone, never. Someone always had to care for her, and Daisuke was one of those ones that would always care for the ocean, no matter what happened. His head came back up for a breath, and that's when he saw something that he definitely hadn't seen before. It was a very big deerish thing that had a wolf luper on it's back. What? that didn't make sense to him. He had never seen a wolf on the back of a giant deer think elk..... Whatever it was. Daisuke shook his head, he didn't understand.

Hey! What the hell are you doing? that wolf spoke to him as he dismounted the elk, deer thing, and dropping something extremely shiny into the sand. Audits flipped up. Shiny.... thought the boy, whom was now distracted from the male to the shiny thing he was scrambling for. He unknowingly started to moved out of the water and towards the wolf with the shiny thing. Blue orbs were stuck on the shiny object that the male had in his hand. What's that? Hm? he asked as he finally got completely out of the water. The yearling pointed at the flask, and then he looked to the retreating elk-deer type thing that the male had been riding on. Is that a deer? I thought you were supposed to eat them, not ride them... he spoke, pointing at the butt of the horse. Then he remembered the male's question. It was ignored only because Daisuke had questions first. I was just swimming.. The ocean told me that she wanted me to play with her. And so I was. he spoke, nodding his head lightly at the other male.

He also analyzed the wolven's scent. It was different, and it smelt of a pack. The pack that lived here more than likely. You're a local here. You know the place. What is this place called? He's so beautiful. I really like it.. he asked, looking out to the ocean and it's wonders yet again. He danced lightly on his feet, the air was starting to get to his skin, and he was still wet so he was slightly cold now. He swayed back and forth infront of the male for a second, his eyes still holding onto the shinyness of the flask.. Seriously... What is that? I've never seen anything like it!

mall fonts; text-align:right;">table by Ryne

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