we used to leave the blue lights on (aw)
It's kind of the story of my life. I've gotten so bad at time management everywhere else but my homework, lol. ;_; Cute table, btw!
http://i275.photobucket.com/albums/jj31 ... p/hezt.png) no-repeat top center;">

In the blink of an eye, Mason had jumped into the ocean shallows and in another blink, he had disappeared beneath the frothy white-tops of the waves as they rolled in, his body nothing more than a dark blur like the scattering fish he was after. Hezekiah tensed, his breath held in without much acknowledgement at all and it was baited at that — he wanted to know if his plan worked or not. For every second that went by, it seemed like the race to the next one got slower and slower until finally, just behind the next set of waves that rolled in, Mason’s sandy head peaked through the waters with an expression nothing short of triumph.

And in turn, Hezekiah beamed just as broad of a smile back to him. “You did it! You caught a fish!” he called out to him despite stating the obvious and pulled away from the outcropping of rocks around to the shore where he expected to see the younger boy come back to land. They had got one fish now and even if it was a small fish, it was still a fish. It was still success, it was a start off on the right foot. “Man, you looked just like a fish yourself when dove underwater after them like that,” he went on to say, with a hearty wave of his bushy tail, just daring to creep close enough to the waters that they met his ankles.


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