Child of the wilderness [private]

Firefly listened to the idle conversation between her two siblings for a moment as she slowly ambled towards them. When they had finally caught sight and sound of her and turned their attention to the golden hued woman she gave a lazy smug little smirk as they began to put her under fire. One brow raised she rolled her eyes and shot back at Ember, "In your dreams sister.." She had little want to actually seek out her sister, they were like night and day and yet in some ways they were so much alike it was bizzare.

She turned to face Kansas as she came to a stop, greeting her brother's affections in much the same manner before sighing softly and letting out a cocky little remark. "I always was the favorite, wasn't I?" She shook off the attitude and just grinned at her siblings before prompting them for more. "Well, what have I missed in your oh so boring lives?" She really was a bitch, but with the past behind them she was nice enough to her siblings.


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