tiny cities made of ashes
She mentally giggled when he look down upon hearing her comment, so as not to abash him any further (if that was indeed the reason for his actions). Snake, no matter his reptilian calmness, was an amusing and adorable boy. The small things he did tickled Bramble to the core, like when she spied him messing with the car, and when he gave her a mirror, and the way he seemed like such a gentleman despite his age. The girl was glad to have found his presence, and a random smile broke out on her face a moment after he questioned her reasoning.

"I don't know." A lie. She didn't want to sound too flirty, though she kind of doubted Snake would understand flirting if it came out his nose. "Sometimes my instincts just tell me these things, so there's no doubt you've got python vibes going on. Have you ever seen one?" She figured he might be from up North, unlike her, therefore completely unaware of his giant namesake. She tried to imagine a python slithering through deep snow and soon understood why they might prefer warmer climates.

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