tiny cities made of ashes
out of character
Maybe I will read it. Have you ever read/seen Lolita the book/movie? It was kind of hard for me to stomach but so interesting at the same time.

full of character
A flare of worry lit up in Snake's normally darkened features as he came forward to survey the claw's damage. Immediately after the quick check up the flare died, and Bramble breathed a sigh of relief quietly to herself.

The python admitted his fear and the blackberry bush nodded understandably. A hushed "yeaah" issued forth, before he continued, in the tone of someone who felt exactly the same way about living in confined black holes in the ground.

He stepped over to the car, giving it a hearty pat that resulted in a plume of red tinged dust. Respectfully, Bramble backed away a few more inches from the car and plopped her rear end on the ground. Legs sprawled out in their leather skirt casing, and she pushed her shirt sleeves up to the elbow before placing both arms behind her for support. She eyed the Snake's den-to-be lazily. "Neat, I never woulda' thought of that. Now that she thought about it... she hadn't thought of where she was going to live at all.

Bramble's face filled with concern as she bit her lip and stuttered uncertainly, Well, I... I haven't figured it out yet. Definitely not the caves, too underground like you said... and not the forest either, too lonely for me." She paused to think, "Looks like I'll have to bunker down with you in this lil' ole' clunker!" She was obviously teasing him in her sing-song voice and overly grinning look she sent his way. Bramble kept herself from bursting out in laughter. She wouldn't miss the socially awkward teen's response for the world.

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