on rainy days we'd go swimming out
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Xeris cocked her head to the side a bit, watching the golden-furred male curiously. He seemed to have boundless energy, even on such a gloomy and rainy day. Xeris herself tried to be as cheerful as she could most of the time, but never to this extent. This man was a bit odd, but the white wolfess decided to be patient with him for now. He spoke about how he loved the ocean, and liked the rain because it fed the ocean. Xeris gave a bit of a nod; she liked the ocean too.

She noted that he didn't seem to understand what she meant by "what brings you here." Of course his feet brought him here. Patience, Xeris. "Yes, finding a friendly place to be is always important," she agreed. "Phoenix Valley is the friendliest place I've come across here." It was only the truth. The one wolf she'd met from Cour des Miracles had been rude-tempered, and Crimson Dreams, though a nice place, was not as inviting as the Valley. And then, of course, there was Inferni. "Not everyone is welcoming. I know from experience," she said solemnly, her eyes wandering idly to the long scar on her side.

The white wolfess was then suddenly overrun by a deluge of compliments almost as heavy as the rain. Somewhere, in the back of her mind, she wondered what Pendzez would do if he heard what Daisuke was saying now. "Thank you," she said, albeit a bit awkwardly. "I've never liked hostility."

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