i don't believe in fate
http://i692.photobucket.com/albums/vv28 ... tokyo3.png); background-position: bottom; background-repeat: no-repeat; padding:15px; padding-bottom:0px;">
<3 338 words

Tokyo instinctively felt that Colibri was lying. She couldn't put her finger on exactly why. Maybe it was her stuttering, hesitant tone? She was a bad liar, if that was the case. The secret to the lie was all in the tone. It didn't matter whether what you were saying had any grain of truth in it if you spoke it with confidence, or grief, or excitement - whatever people expected to hear. You never hesitated, unless you were trying to pretend to be sharing something with reluctance, and that only applied when "admitting" something. Colibri was merely denying that she had any hand in the matter, something that should always always always be spoken with confidence. Poor girl, who never had anyone to educate her on lying. Tokyo, of course, hadn't needed a teacher; she was smart enough to figure it out on her own. But not everyone could be so brilliant. Even her own daughter, her lovely, missing daughter, had required some tips on the matter. She basically just didn't trust the chocolate girl. Why did she cower like that? Her entire body language screamed "guilty." She reeked of fear.

"When did you last see her? How did you meet? Why did you invite her to a sleepover?" Interrogating further. She would keep pushing until Colibri confessed. She must know something. No innocent wolf would look like that. Disgust rose in her, not just at the crime she believed the other female committed, but at her absolute failure to at least pretend to be innocent. It was the disgust of a professional chef watching someone fuck up cooking mac and cheese. It really wasn't that hard of a thing for anyone to do, and it got under Tokyo's skin like few things did. She was often easily offended, but usually because of personal insults, or at least comments she took to be personal insults. It was much more rare for her to be offended in a general sense, like this, over the principle of he thing.

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